Art Therapy
A way of expressing emotions and feelings, by means of symbols and images
You may be wondering what art therapy entails, how it works and what it is used for. Not many clinics offer this form of therapy, however at the Colev Clinic we always incorporate the most effective treatments, which have been thoroughly tested over years of practice.
With our art therapist, you will be able to explore on your own to what extent art therapy is capable of helping you express your emotions, identify your greatest worries and determine what solution works best for you.
Art used in therapy is a way of expressing emotions and feelings, by means of symbols and images – ideosyncratic or cultural – in an attempt to clarify and order them. Experiences can be chosen, varied or repeated: in the creative act, the patient experiences the execution of something new, participation and an intensity that increases with the interest in “translating” an element of objective reality into a subjective image. This is done with or without talent or technical instruction. Any creative material (paint, clay, plasticine…), intensely unique and connected with the emotions and values of the “artist”, reflects how the patient feels in relation to his external world. Additionally, artwork allows the patient to communicate with the therapist; it incites a direct and rapid access to the affect, revealing his/her inner world; and it accelerates the establishment of an interpersonal relationship or a therapeutic alliance.
Art therapy can be used positively as a support therapy in the recovery process that children, teenagers, or adults with difficulties require. This is due to the healing principle of all creative expression.
Art therapy is a modality of psychotherapy, a concrete way that values, dignifies, and is suitable for everyone. It offers patients the opportunity to express themselves to their full potential and to develop through the process of creation, discovering their abilities and tools for self-improvement.
The use of art as therapy implies that the creative process can be a way to reconcile emotional conflicts to encourage conscience and personal growth. Art therapy is an optimal form of intervention because it constitutes a new path of feelings, desires and expressions, promoting resilience and the capacity to improve one-self. When art is used in psychotherapy, the result (product) and the associative references should be used to try and help the subject to find a more compatible relationship between his internal and external world.
During the process of analysis and evaluation, the artistic production allows, on the one hand, to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the patient, and, on the other hand, to make a differential diagnosis of the situation at the time of the assessment. After the analysis of the creative products, we proceed to the therapeutic application of this information in order to achieve the objectives of the intervention.
All this is carried out in a trustworthy and secure environment, reinforcing the therapeutic bond. In the diagnostic sessions, a playful space is provided in which the patient can openly express his or her emotions, thoughts, fears, doubts, feelings and ideas.
The patient feels valued and respected, making it easier for him/her to express and develop through artistic work. Emphasis is placed on the effort invested in the creative process and not on the final result or product. Colour, form and composition play a fundamental role in the representation of the object, allowing emotions to emerge.
The therapeutic intervention that is carried out has a cognitive-behavioural, systemic and humanistic approach, centred on the person, in the here and now.
The relationship between the patient and his or her work is validated through dialogue and storytelling. It helps them, among other things, to develop their emotional intelligence, to acquire tools that will allow them to overcome themselves and face new challenges with dignity, to grow emotionally and to accept reality from a resilient perspective, realising their own strengths.
In summary, it allows the patient to build a solid identity and self-image, which will help him/her overcome the obstacles in his/her path.
The family and the school are considered as fundamental pillars in the therapy, working in a global way, maintaining good communication with both parents and the school.
The patient’s self-expression is facilitated, verbally and non-verbally, so that they:
- Openly communicate their feelings, emotions, fears, doubts, ideals and needs.
- Learn to accept those limitations that he/she cannot change.
- Change everything that can be improved: self-esteem, security and self-confidence, emotional autonomy (vs. emotional dependence), proactivity, taking responsibility and effort (vs. procrastination), tolerance to frustration, resilience etc.
- Acquire relaxation techniques and self-control when managing emotions (anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, discomfort, sadness, frustration…).
- Supportive psychotherapy and relaxation techniques are very useful in resolving internal conflicts.
- Family interventions are also important, to eliminate tensions and function as co-therapists in this process.
- Acquire and apply the necessary tools to face obstacles with dignity and to be able to enjoy the present moment.
Art therapy techniques are based on the knowledge that every individual, whether well trained or inexperienced in art, possesses a latent capacity to project his or her inner conflicts in a visual way. Often, when patients act out such inner conflicts or experiences, they become more articulate verbally. This catharsis favours the benefit and enrichment of the use of their faculties.